Our Promise To Help Restore Habitat


Pollinator Partnership

As many of you are aware, honey bees are experiencing a rapid decline in the Puget Sound area, and they play a crucial role to the overall health of our local environment.

When launching this company, our aim was to utilize our business as a means to give back to our community and support our beautiful region.

That's why we've chosen to partner with EarthCorps and their efforts restoring local habitats through planting native flowers and trees where pollinators can flourish and create a sustainable environment for future generations.

So far, Apple Blossom Gift Baskets has helped restore thousands of square feet of habitat here in Washington, thanks to our Pollinator Partnership.

  • 10,788

    Acres of land restored

  • 1.75 MILLION

    Native trees and flowers planted in the Puget Sound

  • 110+

    Trails built and maintained

  • 200,000

    Volunteers helping make an impact